D.A. McCartney
McCartney, D.A., B.R. Stinner, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 1997. “Organic Matter Dynamics in Maize Agroecosystems As Affected by Earthworm Manipulations and Fertility Sources”. Soil Biol. Biochem. 29: 397-400.
Schindler-Wessels, M., Patrick J. Bohlen, D.A. McCartney, and C.A. Edwards. 1997. “The Effect of Earthworms on Soil Respiration in Corn Agroecosystems With Different Nutrient Treatments”. Soil Biol. Biochem. 29: 409-12.
Bohlen, Patrick J., R.W. Parmelee, D.A. McCartney, and C.A. Edwards. 1997. “Effects of Earthworms (Lumbricus Terrestris) on the Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics of Decomposing Surface Litter in Corn Agroecosystems”. Ecol. Appl. 7: 1342-49.