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Vera Huszar

Almeida, Rafael M., Stephen K. Hamilton, Emma J. Rosi, João Durval Arantes, Nathan Barros, Gina Boemer, Anderson Gripp, et al. 2019. “Limnological Effects of a Large Amazonian Run-of-River Dam on the Main River and Drowned Tributary Valleys”. Scientific Reports 9 (1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53060-1.
Barros, Nathan, Jonathan J. Cole, Lars J. Tranvik, Y.T. Prairie, D. Bastviken, P. A. del Giorgio, Fábio Roland, and Vera L. M. Huszar. 2011. “Carbon Emission from Hydroelectric Reservoirs Linked to Reservoir Age and Latitude”. Nature Geo. 4: 593-96.
Huszar, Vera L. M., Nina F. Caraco, Fábio Roland, and Jonathan J. Cole. 2006. “Nutrient-Chlorophyll Relationships in Tropical-Subtropical Lakes: Do Temperate Models Fit?”. Biogeochemistry 79: 239-50.
Huszar, Vera L. M., C. Kruk, and Nina F. Caraco. 2003. “The Ecology of Persistent Phytoplankton Assemblages in Four Temperate Lakes”. Hydrobiologia 502: 97-109.
Huszar, Vera L. M., and Nina F. Caraco. 1998. “The Relationship Between Phytoplankton Composition and Physical Chemical Variables: A Comparison of Taxonomic and Morphological Approaches in Six Temperate Lakes”. Freshwater Biol. 40: 679-96.