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Andrea Swei

Springer, Yuri P., David Hoekman, Pieter T. J. Johnson, Paul A. Duffy, Rebecca Hufft, David T. Barnett, B. F. Allan, et al. 2016. “Tick-, Mosquito-, and Rodent-Borne Parasite Sampling Designs for the National Ecological Observatory Network”. Ecosphere 7 (5): e01271. doi:10.1002/ecs2.1271.
Swei, Andrea, Cheryl J. Briggs, Robert S. Lane, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2012. “Impacts of an Introduced Forest Pathogen on the Risk of Lyme Disease in California”. Vector-Borne Zoonot. Dis. 12: 623-32. doi:10.1089/vbz.2011.0783.
Swei, Andrea, R. Meentemeyer, and Cheryl J. Briggs. 2011. “Influence of Abiotic and Environmental Factors on the Density and Infection Prevalence of Ixodes Pacificus (Acari:Ixodidae) With Borrelia Burgdorferi”. J. Med. Ent. 48: 20-28.
Swei, Andrea. 2011. “Is Chytridiomycosis an Emerging Infectious Disease in Asia?”. PLOS One.
Swei, Andrea, Richard S. Ostfeld, Robert S. Lane, and Cheryl J. Briggs. 2011. “Effects of an Invasive Forest Pathogen on Abundance of Ticks and Their Vertebrate Hosts in a California Lyme Disease Focus”. Oecologia 166: 91-100.
Swei, Andrea, Richard S. Ostfeld, Robert S. Lane, and Cheryl J. Briggs. 2011. “Impact of the Experimental Removal of Lizards on Lyme Disease Risk”. P. Roy. Soc. B.-Biol. Sci. 278: 2970-78. doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.2402.
Swei, Andrea. 2009. “Influence of Spatial Heterogeneity and Vertebrate Species Assemblage on the Ecology of Lyme Disease in the Far-Western United States”. Berkeley, California, University of California.
Killilea, Mary E., Andrea Swei, Robert S. Lane, Cheryl J. Briggs, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2008. “Spatial Dynamics of Lyme Disease: A Review”. EcoHealth 5: 167-95.