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Timothy Cline

Cline, Timothy J., David A. Seekell, Stephen R. Carpenter, Michael L. Pace, James R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, and Brian C. Weidel. 2014. “Early Warnings of Regime Shifts: Evaluation of Spatial Indicators from a Whole-Ecosystem Experiment”. Ecosphere 5 (8): art102. doi:10.1890/ES13-00398.1.
Seekell, David A., Timothy J. Cline, and Raymond J. Winchcombe. 2013. “Can Management Reduce Harvest Inequality in Recreational Fisheries?”. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33 (1): 148-52. doi:10.1080/02755947.2012.746246.
Seekell, David A., Timothy J. Cline, Stephen R. Carpenter, and Michael L. Pace. 2013. “Evidence of Alternate Attractors from a Whole-Ecosystem Regime Shift Experiment”. Theoretical Ecology 6 (3): 385-94. doi:10.1007/s12080-013-0183-7.
Seekell, David A., Stephen R. Carpenter, Timothy J. Cline, and Michael L. Pace. 2012. “Conditional Heteroskedasticity Forecasts Regime Shift in a Whole-Ecosystem Experiment”. Ecosystems 15 (5): 741-47. doi:10.1007/s10021-012-9542-2.
Brosseau, Chase J., Timothy J. Cline, Jonathan J. Cole, James R. Hodgson, Michael L. Pace, and Brian C. Weidel. 2012. “Do Daphnia Use Metalimnetic Organic Matter in a North Temperate Lake? An Analysis of Vertical Migration”. Inland Waters 2: 193-98. doi:10.5268/IW-2.4.513.
Batt, Ryan D., Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, Timothy J. Cline, Robert A. Johnson, and David A. Seekell. 2012. “Resources Supporting the Food Web of a Naturally Productive Lake”. Limnology and Oceanography 57 (5): 1443-52. doi:10.4319/lo.2012.57.5.1443.
Carpenter, Stephen R., Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, Ryan D. Batt, William A. Brock, Timothy J. Cline, J.J. Coloso, et al. 2011. “Early Warnings of Regime Shifts: A Whole-Ecosystem Experiment”. Science 332: 1079-82. doi:10.1126/science 1203672.
Seekell, David A., Chase J. Brosseau, Timothy J. Cline, Raymond J. Winchcombe, and L.Z. Zinn. 2011. “Long-Term Changes in Recreational Catch Inequality in a Trout Stream”. N. Am. J. Fish. Manage 31: 1110-15.