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Linda Pardo

Sebestyen, Stephen D., Donald S. Ross, James B. Shanley, Emily M. Elliott, Carol Kendall, John L. Campbell, Bryan Dail, et al. 2019. “Unprocessed Atmospheric Nitrate in Waters of the Northern Forest Region in the U.S. And Canada”. Environmental Science & Technology 53 (7): 3620-33. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b01276.
Pardo, Linda H., Molly J. Robin-Abbott, Mark E. Fenn, Christine L. Goodale, Linda H. Geiser, Charles T. Driscoll, E.B. Allen, et al. 2015. “Effects and Empirical Critical Loads of Nitrogen for Ecoregions of the United States”. In Critical Loads and Dynamic Risk Assessments, 25:129-69. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9508-110.1007/978-94-017-9508-1_5.
Clair, Thomas A., Tamara Blett, Julian Aherne, Marcos P. M. Aidar, Richard Artz, William J. Bealey, William Budd, et al. 2014. “The Critical Loads and Levels Approach for Nitrogen”. In Nitrogen Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity, 481-91. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7939-610.1007/978-94-007-7939-6_50.
Crowley, Katherine F., B. E. McNeil, Gary M. Lovett, Charles D. Canham, Charles T. Driscoll, Lindsey E. Rustad, E.G. Denny, et al. 2012. “Do Nutrient Limitation Patterns Shift from Nitrogen Toward Phosphorus With Increasing Nitrogen Deposition across the Northeastern United States?”. Ecosystems 15. Springer-Verlag: 940-57. doi:10.1007/s10021-012-9550-2.
Groffman, Peter M., Lindsey E. Rustad, Pamela H. Templer, John L. Campbell, Lynn M. Christenson, Nina K. Lany, Anne M. Socci, et al. 2012. “Long-Term Integrated Studies Show Complex and Surprising Effects of Climate Change in the Northern Hardwood Forest”. BioScience 62 (12): 1056-66. doi:10.1525/bio.2012.62.12.7.
Pardo, Linda H., and Kathleen C. Weathers. 2011. “Effects of Nitrogen Deposition and Empirical Nitrogen Critical Loads for Ecoregions of the United States”. Ecol. Appl. 21: 3049-82.
Fenn, Mark E., Kathleen F. Lambert, Tamara Blett, D.A. Burns, Linda H. Pardo, Gary M. Lovett, Richard Haeuber, D.C. Evers, Charles T. Driscoll, and D.S. Jeffries. 2011. “Setting Limits: Using Air Pollution Thresholds to Protect and Restore U.S. Ecosystems”. Issues in Ecology, no. 14. Ecological Society of America: 1-21.
Pardo, Linda H., and Kathleen C. Weathers. 2010. “Assessment of Effects of N Deposition and Empirical Critical Loads for Nitrogen for Ecoregions of the United States”. U.S.D.A. Forest Service General Technical Report.
Groffman, Peter M., Melany C. Fisk, Charles T. Driscoll, Gene E. Likens, Timothy J. Fahey, C. Eagar, and Linda H. Pardo. 2006. “Calcium Additions and Microbial Nitrogen Cycle Processes in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Ecosystems 9: 1289-1305.
Pardo, Linda H., Pamela H. Templer, Christine L. Goodale, S. Duke, Peter M. Groffman, and Gary M. Lovett. 2006. “Regional Assessment of N Saturation Using Foliar and Root Delta N-15”. Biogeochemistry 80: 143-71.