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Aurora Gaxiola

Perez-Quezada, Jorge, J.L. Celis-Diez, Carla E. Brito, Aurora Gaxiola, M. C. Nuñez-Avila, Francisco Pugnaire, and Juan J. Armesto. 2018. “Carbon Fluxes from a Temperate Rainforest Site in Southern South America Reveal a Very Sensitive Sink”. Ecosphere 9 (4): e02193. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2193.
Alfaro, Fernando, Marlene Manzano, Sebastian Abades, Nicole Trefault, Rodrigo de la Iglesia, Aurora Gaxiola, Pablo Marquet, et al. 2018. “Exclusion of Small Mammals and Lagomorphs Invasion Interact With Human-Trampling to Drive Changes in Topsoil Microbial Community Structure and Function in Semiarid Chile”. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 124: 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.05.019.
Jiménez, Milagros A., Aurora Gaxiola, Juan J. Armesto, Catalina González-Browne, P.L. Meserve, D.A. Kelt, Julio R. Gutiérrez, and F.M. Jaksic. 2016. “Bet-Hedging Strategies of Native and Exotic Annuals Promote Coexistence in Semiarid Chile”. Journal of Arid Environments 126: 62-67. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2015.10.014.
Seaman, B. J., F. E. Albornoz, Juan J. Armesto, and Aurora Gaxiola. 2015. “Phosphorus Conservation During Post-Fire Regeneration in a Chilean Temperate Rainforest”. Austral Ecology 40 (6): 709-17. doi:10.1111/aec.2015.40.issue-610.1111/aec.12239.
Gaxiola, Aurora, and Juan J. Armesto. 2015. “Understanding Litter Decomposition in Semiarid Ecosystems: Linking Leaf Traits, UV Exposure and Rainfall Variability”. Frontiers in Plant Science 6. doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00140.
Forsyth, David M., Deborah J. Wilson, Tomas A. Easdale, Georges Kunstler, Charles D. Canham, Wendy A. Ruscoe, Elaine F. Wright, et al. 2015. “Century-Scale Effects of Invasive Deer and Rodents on the Dynamics of Forests Growing on Soils of Contrasting Fertility”. Ecological Monographs 85 (2): 157-80. doi:10.1890/14-0389.110.1890/
Jiménez, Milagros A., F.M. Jaksic, Juan J. Armesto, Aurora Gaxiola, P.L. Meserve, D.A. Kelt, and Julio R. Gutiérrez. 2011. “Extreme Climatic Events Change the Dynamics and Invasibility of Semi-Arid Annual Plant Communities”. Ecology Letters 14: 1227-35. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01693.x.
Armesto, Juan J., C. Smith-Ramirez, M.R. Carmona, J.L. Celis-Diez, I. A. Díaz, Aurora Gaxiola, A. G. Gutiérrez, M. C. Nuñez-Avila, Cecilia A. Pérez, and Ricardo Rozzi. 2009. “Old-Growth Temperate Rainforests of South America: Conservation, plant–animal Interactions, and Baseline Biogeochemical Processes”. In C. Wirth Et al., Eds. Old-Growth Forests, 367-90. Springer, Berlin.