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Olavo Pedrollo

Fantin-Cruz, Ibraim, Olavo Pedrollo, Pierre Girard, Peter Zeilhofer, and Stephen K. Hamilton. 2016. “Changes in River Water Quality Caused by a Diversion Hydropower Dam Bordering the Pantanal Floodplain”. Hydrobiologia 768 (1): 223-38. doi:10.1007/s10750-015-2550-4.
Fantin-Cruz, Ibraim, Olavo Pedrollo, Pierre Girard, Peter Zeilhofer, and Stephen K. Hamilton. 2015. “Effects of a Diversion Hydropower Facility on the Hydrological Regime of the Correntes River, a Tributary to the Pantanal Floodplain, Brazil”. Journal of Hydrology 531: 810-20. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.10.045.
Fantin-Cruz, Ibraim, Olavo Pedrollo, Nilza M. R. Castro, Pierre Girard, Peter Zeilhofer, and Stephen K. Hamilton. 2011. “Historical Reconstruction of Floodplain Inundation in the Pantanal (Brazil) Using Neural Networks”. Journal of Hydrology 399 (3-4): 376-84. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.01.014.