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F.M. Vermeylen

Butler, Tom, F.M. Vermeylen, C. M. Lehmann, Gene E. Likens, and M. Puchalski. 2016. “Increasing Ammonia Concentration Trends in Large Regions of the USA Derived from the NADP AMoN Network”. Atmospheric Environment 146: 132-40. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.06.033.
Butler, Tom, F.M. Vermeylen, M.A. Rury, Gene E. Likens, B. Lee, G.E. Bowker, and L. McCluney. 2011. “Response of Ozone and Nitrate to Stationary Source NOx Emission Reductions in the Eastern USA”. Atmos. Environ. 45: 1084-94.
Butler, Tom, M. Cohen, F.M. Vermeylen, Gene E. Likens, Richard Artz, and D. Schmeltz. 2008. “Regional Precipitation Mercury Trends in the Eastern USA, 1998-2005: Declines in the Northeast and Midwest, No Trend in the Southeast”. Atmos. Environ. 42: 1582-92.
Butler, Tom, Gene E. Likens, M. Cohen, and F.M. Vermeylen. 2007. “Final Report to NOAA Mercury in the Environment and Patterns of Mercury Deposition from the NADP MDN Mercury Deposition Network”. Institute of Ecosystem Studies Final Report to NOAA.
Butler, Tom, Gene E. Likens, F.M. Vermeylen, and B.J.B. Stunder. 2005. “The Impact of Changing Nitrogen Oxide Emissions on Wet and Dry Nitrogen Deposition in the Northeastern USA”. Atmospheric Environment 39: 4851-62.
Butler, Tom, Gene E. Likens, F.M. Vermeylen, and B.J.B. Stunder. 2003. “The Relation Between NOx Emissions and Precipitation NO3- in the Eastern USA”. Atmospheric Environment 37: 2093-2104.