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Morgan Grove

2019. Science for a Sustainable City. Edited by Steward Pickett, Mary Cadenasso, Morgan Grove, E. Irwin, Emma Rosi, and C.M. Swan. Yale University Press.
Grove, Morgan, Mary Cadenasso, Steward Pickett, G. Machlis, and W.R. Burch. 2015. The Baltimore School of Urban Ecology: Space, Scale, and Time for the Study of Cities. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Peters, D., C.M. Laney, A.E. Lugo, S.L. Collins, Charles Driscoll, Peter Groffman, Morgan Grove, et al. 2012. Long-Term Trends in Ecological Systems: A Basis for Understanding Responses to Global Change. USDA Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C.