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Cornelia Harris

Esposito, Rhea M. M., Cornelia Harris, Alan R. Berkowitz, and Maribel Pregnall. 2019. “The Joys of Teaching Ecology in K–12 and Informal Settings”. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (9). Wiley: 538-39. doi:10.1002/fee.2122.
Alred, Ashley R., Jennifer H. Doherty, Laurel M. Hartley, Cornelia Harris, and Jenny M. Dauer. 2019. “Exploring Student Ideas about Biological Variation”. International Journal of Science Education 41 (12). Informa UK Limited: 1682-1700. doi:10.1080/09500693.2019.1635289.
Kelly, Victoria R., Stuart E. G. Findlay, and Cornelia Harris. 2018. “Chemical Composition of Rock Salt Brine Compared With Brine from Oil and Gas Wells”. Journal of Environmental Engineering 144 (9). ASCE.
Berkowitz, Alan R., Tobias Irish, and Cornelia Harris. 2016. “Data Explorations in Ecology: Secondary Students’ Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Towards Data”. In National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference.
Berkowitz, Alan R., Tobias Irish, Cornelia Harris, Samantha Root, C.A. Brewer, Katherine Trudeau, and Angelita Alvarado-Santos. 2015. “Data Explorations in Ecology: Students’ Understanding of Variability and Use of Data in Environmental Citizenship”. In National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference.
Harris, Cornelia, Alan R. Berkowitz, Bess Caplan, and Shelley Doster. 2015. “Hudson River Data Jam: Creatively Engaging Students With Large Data Sets”. In Ecological Society of America Annual Conference.
Berkowitz, Alan R., Tobias Irish, Cornelia Harris, Samantha Root, C.A. Brewer, Katherine Trudeau, and Angelita Alvarado-Santos. 2015. “Data Explorations in Ecology: Students’ Understanding of Variability and Use of Data in Environmental Citizenship”. In Association for Science Teacher Education Northeast Chapter Annual Meeting.
Harris, Cornelia, David L. Strayer, and Stuart E. G. Findlay. 2014. “The Ecology of Freshwater Wrack Along Natural and Engineered Hudson River Shorelines”. Hydrobiologia 722 (1): 233-45. doi:10.1007/s10750-013-1706-3.
Harris, Cornelia, Alan R. Berkowitz, K. Notin, and M.A. McLean. 2013. “Beyond Eco-Footprints: Using the STEM Process to Guide School Greening”. Green Teacher.
Irish, Tobias, Alan R. Berkowitz, Cornelia Harris, Samantha Root, and Katherine Trudeau. 2013. “Data Explorations in Ecology”. In Association for Science Teacher Education Northeast Chapter Annual Meeting. Black Rock Forest, NY.