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W. Lowe

McGuire, K. J., C. E. Torgersen, Gene E. Likens, Donald C. Buso, W. H. Lowe, and Scott W. Bailey. 2014. “Network Analysis Reveals Multiscale Controls on Streamwater Chemistry”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (19): 7030-35. doi:10.1073/pnas.1404820111.
Lowe, W. H., M.A. McPeek, Gene E. Likens, and B. J. Cosentino. 2012. “Decoupling of Genetic and Phenotypic Divergence in a Headwater Landscape”. Molecular Ecology 21: 2399-2409. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05546.x.
Cosentino, B. J., W. H. Lowe, and Gene E. Likens. 2009. “Demography and Movement of the Northern Spring Salamander in Four New Hampshire Headwater Streams”. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol 30: 677-80.
Greene, B. T., W. H. Lowe, and Gene E. Likens. 2008. “Forest Succession and Prey Availability Influence the Strength and Scale of Terrestrial-Aquatic Linkages in a Headwater Salamander System”. Freshwater Biol. 53: 2234-43.
Lowe, W. H., M.A. McPeek, Gene E. Likens, and B. J. Cosentino. 2008. “Linking Movement Behaviour to Dispersal and Divergence in Plethodontid Salamanders”. Molecular Ecology 17: 4459-69.
Nislow, K.H., and W. H. Lowe. 2006. “Influences of Logging History and Riparian Forest Characteristics on Macroinvertebrates and Brook Trout (Salvelinus Fontinalis) in Headwater Streams (New Hampshire, U.S.A.)”. Freshwater Biol. 51: 388-97.
Lowe, W. H., Gene E. Likens, M.A. McPeek, and Donald C. Buso. 2006. “Linking Direct and Indirect Data on Dispersal: Isolation by Slope in a Headwater Stream Salamander”. Ecology 87: 334-39.
Lowe, W. H., Gene E. Likens, and Mary E. Power. 2006. “Linking Scales in Stream Ecology”. BioScience 56: 591-97.
Lowe, W. H., Gene E. Likens, and B. J. Cosentino. 2006. “Self-Organization in Streams: The Relationship Between Movement Behavior and Body Condition in a Headwater Salamander”. Freshwater Biol. 51: 2052-62.
Lowe, W. H., K.H. Nislow, and Gene E. Likens. 2005. “Forest Structure and Stream Salamander Diets: Implications for Terrestrial-Aquatic Connectivity”. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 29: 279-86.