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R.G. Striegl

Creed, I.F., D.M. McKnight, Brian A. Pellerin, Mark B. Green, Brian A. Bergamaschi, George R. Aiken, D.A. Burns, et al. 2015. “The River As a Chemostat: Fresh Perspectives on Dissolved Organic Matter Flowing down the River Continuum”. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (8): 1272-85. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0400.
Downing, J.A., Jonathan J. Cole, C. M. Duarte, J.J. Middelburg, Y.T. Prairie, P. Kortelainen, R.G. Striegl, William H. McDowell, and Lars J. Tranvik. 2012. “Global Abundance and Size Distribution of Streams and Rivers”. Inland Waters 2 (4): 229-36. doi:10.5268/IW-2.4.502.
Downing, J.A., Jonathan J. Cole, J.J. Middelburg, R.G. Striegl, C. M. Duarte, P. Kortelainen, Y.T. Prairie, and K.A. Laube. 2008. “Sediment Organic Carbon Burial in Agriculturally Eutrophic Impoundments over the Last Century”. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 22: GB1018.
Duarte, C. M., Y.T. Prairie, C. Montes, Jonathan J. Cole, R.G. Striegl, J.M. Melack, and J.A. Downing. 2008. “CO2 Emissions from Saline Lakes: A Global Estimate of a Surprisingly Large Flux”. J. Geophys. Res - Biogeo 113: Art.No.G04041.
Cole, Jonathan J., Y.T. Prairie, Nina F. Caraco, William H. McDowell, Lars J. Tranvik, R.G. Striegl, C. M. Duarte, et al. 2007. “Plumbing the Global Carbon Cycle: Integrating Inland Waters into the Terrestrial Carbon Budget”. Ecosystems 10: 171-84.
Downing, J.A., Y.T. Prairie, Jonathan J. Cole, C. M. Duarte, Lars J. Tranvik, R.G. Striegl, William H. McDowell, et al. 2006. “The Global Abundance and Size Distribution of Lakes, Ponds, and Impoundments”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 51: 2388-97.