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Geoffrey Wilson

Wilson, Geoffrey F., Mark B. Green, and Ken Mack. 2018. “Historical Climate Warming in the White Mountains of New Hampshire (USA): Implications for Snowmaking Water Needs at Ski Areas”. Mountain Research and Development 38 (2): 164-71. doi:10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-17-00117.
Groffman, Peter M., Lindsey E. Rustad, Pamela H. Templer, John L. Campbell, Lynn M. Christenson, Nina K. Lany, Anne M. Socci, et al. 2012. “Long-Term Integrated Studies Show Complex and Surprising Effects of Climate Change in the Northern Hardwood Forest”. BioScience 62 (12): 1056-66. doi:10.1525/bio.2012.62.12.7.