Frequently Asked Questions About Donating to Cary Institute
Charity Navigator: Charity Navigator has awarded Cary a 4-star rating—the highest possible.
GuideStar: Cary is a Gold-level GuideStar Exchange participant, meeting all GuideStar requirements and demonstrating a commitment to transparency.
100% of your gift goes directly to support scientific research, long term monitoring, and efforts to share our findings to help solve humanity’s greatest environmental challenges. Opportunities also exist to designate funds for special projects.
A copy of our most recent annual financial report can be obtained from the NYS Attorney General’s Charities Bureau website or 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005 or 212-416-8686.
Contact the Development Office at 845 677-7600 x203 or
We offer this suggested language for an undesignated gift of either a specific amount or percentage of the remainder of your estate:
“I devise and bequeath [all] or [__%] of the remainder of my estate to the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, PO Box AB, 2801 Sharon Turnpike, Millbrook, NY 12545, to be used or disposed of as its Board of Trustees in its sole discretion deems appropriate.”

Other Donation Methods
You may contact the Development Office at 845 677-7600 x203 or
In addition to your one-time donation, you can choose to support Cary Institute’s research and programs in a number of other ways including:
- Stock & Mutual Funds
- Gifts in Your Will
- Memorial Tributes
- Real Estate Gifts
- Corporate Donations
- Gifts From Required IRA Distributions