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Radish Results

Unit Plan: Cycles: From Rot to Radishes Lesson: 6 Time: Session 1 (40 min) and Session 2 (1 hr) Setting: Classroom
3-5, 6-8 Schoolyard Ecology
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Students make and process final observations of their plants, graphs and discuss their data in groups, compile the whole class data, discuss conclusions, then write letters to GROW.

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    Students will be able to: make insightful observations and accurate measurements; graph their data; use and interpret their graphs; acknowledge and try to explain unexpected results; draw conclusions that are supposed by their data.


    Session 1

    For each group of 3-4 students:

    • sample card of paint chips in shades of green (optional)
    • rulers

    For each student:

    • 1-2 sheets of graph paper

    Session 2

    For the class:

    • sheet of newsprint

    For each student:

    • 3-4 oz. paper cups (optional)
    • copy of "Experiment Conclusions"
    • copy of "Group Work Evaluation" (see Eco-Inquiry's multiple forms of assessment)

    See Lesson Resources for further details.

    Lesson Files

    Radish Results
    Eco Inquiry's Multiple Forms of Assessment- contains "Group Work Evaluation"

    Benchmarks for Science Literacy

    1B Scientific Inquiry, 5D Interdependence of Life, 9B Symbolic Representation, 12C Manipulation and Observation, 12D Communication Skills

    NYS Standards

    MST 1 - Mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, MST 4- Physical setting, living environment and nature of science, MST 7- Problem solving using mathematics, science, and technology (working effectively, process and analyze information, presenting results), ELA 1- Language to collect and interpret information and understand generalizations, ELA 4 - Language for communication and social interaction with a wide variety of people
    Next Generation Science Standards

    Science and Engineering Practices

    Analyzing and interpreting data, Engaging in argument from evidence, Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

    Cross Cutting Concepts

    Patterns, Cause and effect

    Disciplinary Core Ideas

    LS1C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms, LS2B: Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems
    New York State Science Learning Standards

    Performance Expectations

    MS-LS2-1. Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the effects of resource availability on organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem., MS-LS2-2. Construct an explanation that predicts patterns of interactions among organisms in a variety of ecosystems.

    Hogan, Kathleen. Eco-Inquiry: A Guide to Ecological Learning Experiences for the Upper Elementary/Middle Grades. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, PO Box 1840, 4050 Westmark Drive, Dubuque, IA 52004-1840., 1994.