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Jonathan Cole

Cole, Jonathan J., J.M. Lane, Roxanne Marino, and Robert W. Howarth. 1993. “Molybdenum Assimilation by Cyanobacteria and Phytoplankton in Freshwater and Salt Water”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38: 25-35.
Caraco, Nina F., Jonathan J. Cole, and Gene E. Likens. 1993. “Sulfate Control of Phosphorus Availability in Lakes: A Test and Re-Evaluation of Hasler and Einsele’s Model”. Hydrobiologia 253: 275-80.
Cole, Jonathan J., and Nina F. Caraco. 1993. “Nitrogen Pollution of Coastal Waters: The Role of Anthropogenically Derived Atmospheric Deposition”. Report to the New York State Electric Power Pool [IES, Millbrook, New York].
Cole, Jonathan J., and Nina F. Caraco. 1993. “The Microbial Food-Web of Oligotrophic Lakes”. In T. Ford (ed.). Aquatic Microbiology, 101-12. Blackwell Scientific Press.
Cole, Jonathan J., B. L. Peierls, Nina F. Caraco, and Michael L. Pace. 1993. “Nitrogen Loading of Rivers As a Human-Driven Process”. In M. J. McDonnell and S. T. A. Pickett (eds.). Humans As Components of Ecosystems: The Ecology of Subtle Human Effects and Populated Areas, 141-57. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Cole, Jonathan J., Nina F. Caraco, and B. L. Peierls. 1992. “Can Phytoplankton Maintain a Positive Carbon Balance in a Turbid, Freshwater, Tidal Estuary?”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 37: 1608-17.
Caraco, Nina F., Jonathan J. Cole, and Gene E. Likens. 1992. “New and Recycled Primary Production in an Oligotrophic Lake: Insights for Summer Phosphorus Dynamics”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 37: 590-602.
Peierls, B. L., Nina F. Caraco, Michael L. Pace, and Jonathan J. Cole. 1991. “Human Influence on River Nitrogen”. Nature 350: 386-87.
Caraco, Nina F., Jonathan J. Cole, and Gene E. Likens. 1991. “Phosphorus Release from Anoxic Sediments: Lakes That Break the Rules”. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 24: 2985-88.
Cole, Jonathan J., Nina F. Caraco, and B. L. Peierls. 1991. “Phytoplankton Primary Production in the Tidal, Freshwater Hudson River, New York (USA)”. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 24: 1715-19.