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Clive Jones

Lovett, Gary M., J.E. Hart, Lynn M. Christenson, and Clive G. Jones. 1998. “Caterpillar Guts and Ammonia Volatilization: Retention of Nitrogen by Gypsy Moth Larvae Consuming Oak Foliage”. Oecologia 117: 513-16.
Jax, K., Clive G. Jones, and Steward T. A. Pickett. 1998. “The Self-Identity of Ecological Units”. Oikos 82: 253-64.
Jones, Clive G., Richard S. Ostfeld, M.P. Richard, E.M. Schauber, and J.O. Wolff. 1998. “Chain Reactions Linking Acorns to Gypsy Moth Outbreaks and Lyme Disease Risk”. Science 279: 1023-26.
Ostfeld, Richard S., Clive G. Jones, M.P. Richard, E.M. Schauber, and J.O. Wolff. 1998. “Tick Population Trends and Forest Type [Response to Ginsberg Et al.]”. Science 281: 350-51.
Wait, D.A., Clive G. Jones, and J. S. Coleman. 1998. “Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Leaf Chemistry and Beetle Feeding Are Mediated by Leaf Development”. Oikos 82: 502-14.
Jones, Clive G., and S.E. Hartley. 1998. “Global Change and Plant Phenolic Concentrations: Species Level Predictions Using the Protein Competition Model”. In L. J. De Kok and I. Stulen (eds.). Responses of Plant Metabolism to Air Pollution and Global Change, 23-50. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Breitburg, D. L., J. W. Baxter, C. Hatfield, Robert W. Howarth, Clive G. Jones, Gary M. Lovett, and C. Wigand. 1998. “Understanding Effects of Multiple Stressors: Ideas and Challenges”. In M. Pace and P. Groffman (eds.). Successes, Limitations and Frontiers in Ecosystem Science, 416-31. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Jones, Clive G., J.H. Lawton, and Moshe Shachak. 1997. “Ecosystem Engineering by Organisms: Why Semantics Matters”. Trends Ecol. Evol. 12: 275.
Jones, Clive G., J.H. Lawton, and Moshe Shachak. 1997. “Positive and Negative Effects of Organisms As Physical Ecosystem Engineers”. Ecology 78: 1946-57.
Hartley, S.E., and Clive G. Jones. 1997. “Plant Chemistry and Herbivory, or Why the World Is Green”. In M. J. Crawley (ed.). Plant Ecology, Second Edition, 284-324. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, UK.