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S.E. Lindberg

Weathers, Kathleen C., Samuel M. Simkin, Gary M. Lovett, and S.E. Lindberg. 2006. “Empirical Modeling of Atmospheric Deposition in Mountainous Landscapes”. Ecol. Appl. 16: 1590-1607.
Van Miegroet, H., I.F. Creed, N.F. Nicholas, T.G. Tarboton, K.L. Webster, J. Shubzda, B. Robinson, et al. 2001. “Is There Synchronicity in Nitrogen Input and Output Fluxes at the Nolan Divide Watershed, a Small N-Saturated Forested Catchment in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park?”. The Scientific World 1: 480-92.
Lovett, Gary M., and S.E. Lindberg. 1993. “Atmospheric Deposition and Canopy Interactions of Nitrogen in Forests”. Can. J. For. Res. 23: 1603-16.
Johnson, D. W., S.E. Lindberg, H. Van Miegroet, Gary M. Lovett, D.W. Cole, Myron J. Mitchell, and D. Binkley. 1993. “Atmospheric Deposition, Forest Nutrient Status, and Forest Decline: Implications of the Integrated Forest Study”. In R. F. Huettl and D. Mueller-Dombois (eds.). Forest Decline in the Atlantic and Pacific Regions, 66-81. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Lovett, Gary M., and S.E. Lindberg. 1992. “Concentration and Deposition of Particles and Vapors in a Vertical Profile through a Forest Canopy”. Atmospheric Environment 26A: 1469-76.
Lindberg, S.E., and Gary M. Lovett. 1992. “Deposition and Forest Canopy Interactions of Airborne Sulfur: Results from the Integrated Forest Study”. Atmospheric Environment 26A: 1477-92.
Ragsdale, L.H., S.E. Lindberg, Gary M. Lovett, and D.A. Schaefer. 1992. “Atmospheric Deposition and Throughfall Fluxes of Base Cations”. In D. W. Johnson and S. E. Lindberg (eds.). Atmospheric Deposition and Nutrient Cycling in Forest Ecosystems, 235-53. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Schaefer, D.A., S.E. Lindberg, and Gary M. Lovett. 1992. “Canopy Interactions”. In D. W. Johnson and S. E. Lindberg (eds.). Atmospheric Deposition and Nutrient Cycling in Forest Ecosystems, 444-49. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Fox, D. G., A.M. Bartuska, J.G. Byrne, E. Cowling, R. Fisher, Gene E. Likens, S.E. Lindberg, R.A. Linthurst, J. Messer, and D.S. Nichols. 1989. “A Screening Procedure to Evaluate Air Pollution Effects on Class I Wilderness Areas”. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-168., 36.
Lindberg, S.E., D. W. Johnson, Gary M. Lovett, H. Van Miegroet, G. E. Taylor, and J.G. Owens. 1989. “Sampling and Analysis Protocols and Project Description for the Integrated Forest Study”. ORNL/TM-11214, Environ. Sci. Div. Publ. No. 3321, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee.