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S.E. Lindberg

Lindberg, S.E., R.C. Harriss, W.A. Hoffman Jr., Gary M. Lovett, and R.R. Turner. 1989. “Atmospheric Chemistry, Deposition, and Canopy Interactions”. In D. W. Johnson and R. I. Van Hook (eds.). Analysis of Biogeochemical Cycling Processes in Walker Branch Watershed, 96-163. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Schaefer, D.A., S.E. Lindberg, and Gary M. Lovett. 1989. “Canopy Acid Balance and Foliar Cation Exchange”. S. E. Lindberg and D. W. Johnson (eds.). 1988 Annu. Rep., Integrated For. Stud. ORNL TM-11121, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee.
Lindberg, S.E., Gary M. Lovett, D.A. Schaefer, and M. Bredemeier. 1988. “Coarse Aerosoldeposition Velocities and Surface-to-Canopy Scaling Factors from Forest Canopy Throughfall”. J. Aerosol Sci. 19: 1187-90.
Johnson, D. W., S.E. Lindberg, E.A. Bondietti, D.W. Cole, Gary M. Lovett, Myron J. Mitchell, L.H. Ragsdale, and L.F. Pitelka. 1987. “The Integrated Forest Study on Effects of Atmospheric Deposition: A Status Report”. Air Pollution Control Association Conference Proceedings, APCA, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Lindberg, S.E., Gary M. Lovett, and K.J. Meiwes. 1987. “Deposition and Canopy Interactions of Airborne Nitrate”. In R. C. Hutchinson (ed.). Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants on Forests, Wetlands, and Agricultural Ecosystems, 117-30. NATO ASI Ser., Vol. G16, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Lindberg, S.E., Gary M. Lovett, D.D. Richter, and D. W. Johnson. 1986. “Atmospheric Deposition and Canopy Interactions of Major Ions in a Forest”. Science 231: 141-45.
Lovett, Gary M., and S.E. Lindberg. 1986. “Dry Deposition of Nitrate to a Deciduous Forest”. Biogeochemistry 2: 137-48.
Lovett, Gary M., S.E. Lindberg, D.D. Richter, and D. W. Johnson. 1985. “The Effects of Acidic Deposition on Cation Leaching from Three Deciduous Forest Canopies”. Can. J. For. Res. 15: 1055-60.
Johnson, D. W., D.D. Richter, Gary M. Lovett, and S.E. Lindberg. 1985. “The Effects of Atmospheric Deposition on Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium Cycling in Two Deciduous Forests”. Can. J. For. Res. 15: 773-82.