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J. Coleman

Gould, G. G., Clive G. Jones, P. Rifleman, A. Perez, and J. S. Coleman. 2007. “Variation in Eastern Cottonwood (Populus Deltoides Bartr.) Phloem Sap Content and Toughness Due to Leaf Development May Affect Feeding Site Selection Behavior of the Aphid, Chaitophorous Populicola Thomas (Homoptera: Aphididae)”. Environ. Entomol. 36: 1212-25.
Wait, D.A., J. S. Coleman, and Clive G. Jones. 2002. “Chrysomela Scripta, Plagiodera Versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and Trichoplusia Ni (Lepodoptera: Noctuidae) Track Specific Leaf Developmental Stages”. Environ. Entomol. 31: 836-43.
Wait, D.A., Clive G. Jones, and J. S. Coleman. 1998. “Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Leaf Chemistry and Beetle Feeding Are Mediated by Leaf Development”. Oikos 82: 502-14.
Hartvigsen, G., D.A. Wait, and J. S. Coleman. 1995. “Tri-Trophic Interactions Influenced by Resource Availability: Predator Effects on Plant Performance Depend on Plant Resources”. Oikos 74: 463-68.
Jones, Clive G., J. S. Coleman, and Stuart E. G. Findlay. 1994. “Effects of Ozone on Interactions Among Plants, Consumers and Decomposers”. In R. G. Alscher, and A. R. Wellburn (eds.). Plant Responses to the Gaseous Environment, 339-63. Chapman & Hall, Inc., London.
Jones, Clive G., R.F. Hopper, J. S. Coleman, and V.A. Krischik. 1993. “Control of Systemically Induced Herbivore Resistance by Plant Vascular Architecture”. Oecologia 93: 452-56.
Coleman, J. S., Clive G. Jones, and V.A. Krischik. 1992. “Phytocentric and Exploiter Perspectives of Phytopathology”. Adv. Plant Pathol. 8: 149-95.
Coleman, J. S., and Clive G. Jones. 1991. “A Phytocentric Perspective of Phytochemical Induction by Herbivores”. In D. W. Tallamy and M. J. Raupp (eds.). Phytochemical Induction by Herbivores, 3-45. J. Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
Jones, Clive G., and J. S. Coleman. 1991. “Plant Stress and Insect Herbivory: Toward an Integrated Perspective”. In H. A. Mooney, W. E. Winner, and E. J. Pell (eds.). Response of Plants to Multiple Stresses, 249-80. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, California.
Jones, Clive G., and J. S. Coleman. 1989. “Biochemical Indicators of Air Pollution Effects in Trees: Unambiguous Signals Based on Secondary Metabolites and Nitrogen in Fast-Growing Species?”. In Biologic Markers of Air Pollution Stress and Damage in Forests, 261-73. Nat. Res. Counc., National Academy Press, Washington, D. C.