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J.A. Fuhrman

McManus, G. B., and J.A. Fuhrman. 1988. “Clearance of Bacteria-Sized Particles by Natural Populations of Nanoplankton in the Chesapeake Bay Outflow Plume”. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 42: 199-206.
McManus, G. B., and J.A. Fuhrman. 1988. “Control of Marine Bacterioplankton Populations: Measurement and Significance of Grazing”. Hydrobiologia 159: 51-62.
Roman, M. R., H.W. Ducklow, J.A. Fuhrman, C. Garside, P.M. Glibert, T.C. Malone, and G. B. McManus. 1988. “Production, Consumption and Nutrient Cycling in a Laboratory Mesocosm”. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 42: 39-52.