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Project Submission

Project Submission

The written report and creative project must be submitted electronically by 11:59pm EST on Friday, March 10, 2023. We are using Google Drive for project submission this year. Advisors are responsible for submitting all projects.

Students’ projects will only be judged if they contain both a report AND a creative component. See notes below about YouTube video requirements.* Please only submit complete projects.

Instructions to advisors for uploading projects:

  1. Check email after registration: A personal Google Drive folder link and a Consent Form link will be shared with you by the Cary Education team. 
  2. Notify us ( once all participating student consent forms have been submitted electronically.
  3. Please vet your students' projects to be sure they address the requirements outlined in the rubric. We are lucky to have a wonderful pool of judges who are very excited to volunteer their time reviewing projects that have been completed thoughtfully and thoroughly.
  4. Drag and drop or Save student projects to your folder. Note: Please use the following file naming convention when saving and uploading reports and projects:

"Project Title_Level of Dataset_School Name".pdf

Here is an example of a proper file name: Mussels on the Move_Level 1_Cary Middle School.pdf

*All videos must be submitted as a YouTube link, and the video must be "unlisted" so that judges can view it with permission. Please ensure that your students' YouTube links are included in their reports.

Please note: The use of copyrighted music in project videos may result in YouTube's removal of these videos from their website. Check out Free Music Archive and other free music websites for tunes available through Creative Commons. If students want to use copyrighted music on YouTube, they must first obtain permission from the original creator.