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Resources for lake associations and local stakeholders

The Fishcapes project looks at the social and ecological factors that influence fishery health in northern Wisconsin and works with lake users and managers to identify effective management strategies. These resources have been developed to help with lake management planning and inform lake residents and lake association members on steps they can take to protect lake health.

How to be a good lake steward & help spread the word

Tips to keep lakes and resident wildlife healthy. Includes an infographic that can be shared online and/or printed as a 4"x 8" magnet. Magnets can be distributed to association members, placed on refrigerators in short-term lakefront rentals, or included in mailers to new home owners.



Measuring lake health: Secchi disk how-to

Learn how to make your own Secchi disk at home, take water clarity measurements on a lake or pond, and make your data available for scientists and others to view and use.


intro video

Lake Resilience and Systems Thinking Resource Hub

Invasive species, water clarity, and population changes are some of the challenges lake associations are facing.The hub includes videos and downloads to help guide discussions about planning for a resilient lake.


Lake browning: Exploring an ecological puzzle

Discover why lakes are browning, consequences for lake health, and how you can help monitor water quality and contribute to global datasets. Includes an infographic that can be freely used in materials that build awareness of this issue.
