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R.T. Venterea

Groffman, Peter M., R.T. Venterea, L. V. Verchot, and C.S. Potter. 2006. “Landscape and Regional Scale Studies of Nitrogen Gas Fluxes”. In J. Wu, K. B. Jones, H. Li, and O. L. Loucks (eds.). Scaling and Uncertainty Analysis in Ecology: Methods and Applications, 191-203. Springer, New York.
Venterea, R.T., Peter M. Groffman, L. V. Verchot, A.H. Magill, and J. D. Aber. 2004. “Gross Nitrogen Process Rates in Temperate Forest Soils Exhibiting Symptoms of Nitrogen Saturation”. For. Ecol. Manage 196: 129-42.
Venterea, R.T., Peter M. Groffman, M.S. Castro, L. V. Verchot, I.J. Fernandez, and M.B. Adams. 2004. “Soil Emissions of Nitric Oxide in Two Forest Watersheds Subjected to Elevated Inputs”. For. Ecol. Manage 196: 335-49.
Venterea, R.T., Peter M. Groffman, L. V. Verchot, A.H. Magill, J. D. Aber, and P.A. Steudler. 2003. “Nitrogen Oxide Gas Emissions from Temperate Forest Soils Receiving Long-Term Nitrogen Inputs”. Global Change Biol. 9: 346-57.
Fitzhugh, Ross D., Gary M. Lovett, and R.T. Venterea. 2003. “Biotic and Abiotic Immobilization of Ammonium, Nitrite, and Nitrate in Soils Developed under Different Tree Species in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA”. Global Change Biol. 9: 1591-1601.
Altevogt, A. S., D. E. Rolston, and R.T. Venterea. 2003. “Density and Pressure Effects on the Transport of Gas-Phase Chemicals in Unsaturated Porous Media”. Water Resour. Res. 39: 1061.
Venterea, R.T., Gary M. Lovett, Peter M. Groffman, and P.A. Schwarz. 2003. “Landscape Patterns of Soil Nitrate Production in a Northern Hardwood-Conifer Forest”. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67: 527-39.
Venterea, R.T., and D. E. Rolston. 2002. “Nitrogen Oxide Trace Gas Transport and Transformation: I. Evaluation of Data from Intact Soil Cores”. Soil Sci. 167: 35-48.
Venterea, R.T., and D. E. Rolston. 2002. “Nitrogen Oxide Trace Gas Transport and Transformation: II. Model Simulations Compared With Data”. Soil Sci. 167: 49-61.
Venterea, R.T. 2000. “Nitrogen Oxide Gas Transformation and Transport in Agricultural Soil: Mechanisms, Kinetics and Modeling”. Davis, California, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California.